GP Password Generator: Support
- What is the first thing you would do to a factory install, or after a settings reset?
- Add the special characters to the generator settings with >gp /ss /as. Without the '/ss', this command would add the specials for the current generator run only, while settings saving operations always bypass the password generation and just print the new settings as verification.
- How can I get a password without waiting for the Zoom-In process?
- You can switch off the Zoom-In effect with, >gp /ss /zoom off. Then, you'll just get a brick wall in four parts, and a totally random password!
- How can I get Statistics to show by default?
- This is a combination of the Save Settings option, /ss, demonstrated below with the default settings usage, and the Statistics option, /stats, like so: >gp /ss /stats on.
Usage: v1.0.0
- Usage: gp [options + arguments] [password length]
- GP generates random passwords from the character sets in its configuration, simply run without command line parameters.
- All /options themselves are evaluated without case-sensitivity, and it is the same with the arguments which are on/off.
- The brackets in this syntax guide are to indicate optionality, '[]', and required, '⟨⟩', and aren't meant to be included in the arguments.
- Also, wildcard, '*', patterns work as an argument anywhere it makes sense, with examples below.
- After generating a password, using the r-key (a hot key) will reject and redo that password.
- Options:
- LENGTH: The length of the password goes last, when specified. If it is given along with the /ss option sequence, it will be saved.
- /AL & /RL: Add/Remove the lower-case alphabet set.
- /AU & /RU: Add/Remove the upper-case alphabet.
- /AN & /RN: Add/Remove the numbers.
- /AS & /RS: Add/Remove these special characters, !@#$%%&*, equivalent to using option: /ax !@#$%%&*, or /rx !@#$%%&*.
- /AX & /RX ⟨characters⟩ : Add/Remove your own set of characters, specified following either of these option sequences and a space.
- /SS ⟨custom name⟩ : Save the settings to a named settings slot, which is the default settings slot if left blank.
- /SU ⟨name⟩ : Use the named settings slot, following this option sequence and a space. Example: use custom slot 'name123' with the '/su n*' option sequence.
- /SD ⟨name⟩ : Make the named settings, following this option sequence and a space, the default settings.
- /SE ⟨name⟩ : Erase the named settings slot, which follows this option and a space.
- /SL: List all general and settings slots.
- /SDR: Reset factory settings.
- /PG ON|OFF: Grouping of the password characters (readability chunking) on/off.
- /FMR: Set the Filter to Minimal Repetitions of characters, in addition to Including one character of each pool set. This is default.
- /FIO: Set the Filter to Include at least one character of each pool set.
- /FNF: Set the Filter to filterless output, or all constraints removed.
- /QP ON|OFF: Control the generator's Quick Password method, which permits long passwords to be produced in a timely manner, active by default. It is indicated in the statistics as a starred (*) pw count.
- /STIR ⟨1-7⟩ : Pool stirring level (1 to 7), default: 4. Hot keys: left + right direction keys.
- /STATS ON|OFF: Display/hide generator statistics. Format per generator group: ⟨successes⟩/⟨failures⟩ ⟨stirrings per second, left pool⟩ ⟨SPS, right pool⟩. Hotkey: s.
- /CL: List the customizable display colors, along with element codes and names.
- /CC ⟨3-code⟩ ⟨RGB Spec⟩ : Change a display element color with this overloaded option, followed by a space and the three-letter element code, followed by another space and the color specification (either as #rrggbb web/hexidecimal format, or r,g,b comma-separated decimal format).
- " ⟨3-code A⟩ = ⟨3-code B⟩ : Change an element color (A) by copying the color of another element (B). Follow the option by a space and the three-letter element code of the destination, then an equals sign, and followed by the source element 3-code.
- " ⟨3-code A⟩ ⟨3-code B⟩ : Change two display colors simultaneously by swapping them with this option overload. Follow the option by a space and the first element color 3-code (obtained from a color listing), then space and the second 3-code.
- /CRAN ⟨3-code⟩ ON|OFF: A random color is generated for the specified component via its 3-letter code. The random color generation only occurs when a password generation run occurs. Example: turn on random for all colors with the '/cran *' option sequence.
- /CDR: Resets color for the specified component (3-letter code).
- /ZOOM ON|OFF: Display/hide the framing-in zoom effects at the start of password generation.
- /V: Print version.
- /?: Print this usage information.